Heard of Sensitivity Reading? Myths Debunked

Is What You’ve Heard, True?

A Virginia Governor’s own political party has asked him to step down due to appearing in black-face and posing next to a friend wearing a KKK costume at a party when he was a in college.

A beloved action star is known for his revenge-themed movies admitted to an interviewer that he had once prowled the streets for “any” black man in order to make someone pay for the assault on his dear friend. (He later sought treatment).

A popular author is about to release a novel set in the future, but suddenly asked that it be pulled after an uproar on social media regarding her character’s offensive stereotypes.

Some may say that we have reached an oversaturated tipping point when it comes to political correctness and self-expression, while others have likened it to the #Metoo movement and appreciate wrongs being made right.

It is from within this climate, that Sensitivity Reading have become a booming business.

What is Sensitivity Reading?

Kiera Drake, the author of the controversial book, The Continent, explains: “Sensitivity readers are no different from any other editor. If a publisher or author wants to enlist the services of such an editor, they can do so, for a price. It is optional. If an author does not care to do it, a sensitivity read is not done. In any case, none of the suggestions provided by sensitivity readers are forced on an author. Which brings me to an important point: There is a material difference between criticism and censorship.”

Sensitivity Readers (also known as Diversity Editors and Targeted Beta Readers) are simply another tool in the content-creator’s tool belt.

An author, publishing company, marketing department, gaming company, etc. may not have the personal experience or background needed to write/use characters unlike themselves. They would then reach out to a Sensitivity Reader to review the material for unintentional bias, misrepresentation, or stereotypes. The Sensitivity Reader would read the material, then submit a report. It is up to the creator of the content to decide which suggestions to use, if any.

Why is it controversial?

Because it is a relatively new editing service that is misunderstood. Some take issue with the word, “Sensitivity,” which, to them, indicates hypersensitivity. While that may be true in a small number of circumstances, most times, it is not. Often, sensitivity readers bring up legitimate concerns.

A few examples that Sensitivity Readers come across on a frequent basis are:

  • Describing a minority character only by their skin color while describing Caucasian characters with well-rounded adjectives.
  • Having all minority characters speak broken English or “ghetto” language and/or live in rundown tenements.
  • Having all minority characters living in poverty.
  • Having all minority characters on drugs or abusing alcohol.
  • Has a Caucasian Savior coming to the rescue to the minority communities.

None of these examples are malicious, but they can still create a misrepresented and harmful picture.

Conscientious content creators understand this and hire sensitivity readers as a second opinion; a clear eye on the subject they know well, (while still maintaining their creative control and final say so).

Sensitivity Readers can be minorities, from a certain religious group, part of the LGBTP community, physically challenged, mental illness expert, plus-sized or obese, lived in poor communities, experienced homelessness, etc.

Not all books, manuscripts, scripts need sensitivity readers. However, the service is there and available to those who choose to make use of their valuable knowledge.

Content creators simply treat sensitivity reads as another resource.

Have you ever used a sensitivity reader? Think you may need one? Why or why not? Leave a comment below.


Patrice Williams Marks is an author, Sensitivity Reader, founder of courses that teach Sensitivity Reading and founder of a non-profit charity. She also has a background in public relations, marketing, and journalism with an emphasis on research.

Originally posted on Smerconish.com

Patrice Williams Marks is an authorSensitivity Reader, founder of courses that teach Sensitivity Reading, founder of a non-profit charity, founder of several film festivals with diverse entries from filmmakers and writers. She also has a background in public relations, marketing, and journalism with an emphasis on research.